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Lesson 1     Create a New Scratch Project

  • Create new Scratch project
Click on New

First let's get rid of the cat. Click on the scissors and then click on the cat.

Click on Save

Let's create a new folder to save your projects. If you already have a folder named My Projects skip this step
Click on the Folder

Type My Projects then click OK

Find the Folder My Projects.
Click on My Projects

In the box Project Author
Type Your Name

In the box New Filename
Type STS-2020
Click OK

Let's add some notes about our game.
Click on the notepad

In the box, type your game description. Later we will add more notes such as, Instructions.
Here is my description. You may change it, make up your own story line, give the characters names. Click OK when you are done

Project Description:You are the Commander Of Space Shuttle Mission STS-2020 to Space Station Freedom.
You have to dock the Shuttle to the Space Station.  While working outside the Shuttle, one of your crew's jet pack fails to work and he is drifting out into space.  An Alien spaceship appears and is trying to capture your crew member.
You must destory the alien spaceship and rescue your crew member.
You only have 3 missiles and the Alien spaceship is fast.
Score:  10 points for docking the shuttle. 5 points for hitting the Alien spaceship. -5 if you miss
To Win:  You have to destroy the Alien spaceship and rescue the astronaut.

While working on your project, get in the habit of Saving your work. If something happens to your computer, you will not lose all your work.
This is your Save reminder When you see this click Save. Click on Save now.

  • To open your game,. Click